Hello, my name is Caitlin Goerlich and I am doing a research study for my Research in Language and Literature class. My main focus for this study is to see how people react to adaptation between books to films, to see how the words change from going from paper to on screen. I am interested doing this project because I am interested of becoming a novelist and a screenwriter and it would be interesting to see how it is from different point of views of adaptation. I do have a faculty advisor who is also my professor, Dr. Sally Chandler, who will be overlooking my study. One participant of this study will be a few people who have both read a novel and saw the adapted film of that novel. Another participant of this study is a professional novelist who either is also the adaptor of his/her novel or has other people adapting their novels into film, and see from their point of view of how they go from writing novels to screenplays.
I will be conducting information from the participants from doing interviews and with by permission of the participants, I will record the interviews. The interviews will be planned to take about 40 minutes, if allowed by participants, and I may have follow-up questions. The participants will be anonymous throughout my study and they can withdraw from taking part of the study at any time without any penalty or consequences. In this study, there are no benefits and no financial obligations for the participations themselves. There will also be no compensation for participation. Once again, the participants will be remain anonymous throughout my study and the only people who will see/read my study will be my professor who is also my faculty advisor and also my classmates. After my study, there might be a chance where I will be planning on publishing this study.
Once again, with permission from the participants, I would like to record any interviews that I will be doing throughout my study. My contact information are on the consent forms where the participants may contact me with further questions and also on the consent forms are also are contact information for my advisor, Dr. Chandler and Dr. Cronin of the English Department if you have any further questions or complaints that have to do with the study.
I will like to thank the participations for participating in study and if they have any further questions, they can contact me with my contact information on the consent forms. Thank you again for your time and participation.
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