In my short analysis, I believe overall that it could have been stronger but for this being my first analysis paper like this, I think I did a good job. I believe that I stayed on topic throughout the paper where normally I sometimes move away from the topic. Writing this short analysis, I think, got me ready to write the research paper.
quality of the research question - 18/20
I believe I have a strong research question where throughout the paper, I always went back to it. I do think there could be a little more improvement in the question.
developed categories of analysis relevant to the data and to the research question 15/20
I don't know if I have strong enough categories throughout the paper but I did have some that were relevant to the data and research question.
relevant, effective examples to demonstrate what the categories show with respect to the research question 16/20
Even thought I didn't have strong enough categories, I did bring out examples from the transcript that related to my research question.
clear, direct statements of what the examples show with respect to the research question 9/10
I believe I have strong statements that show how my examples I picked out from the transcript relate to my research question. I think this was one of the strongest things for me to do.
clear, logical organization appropriate for writing studies research essays 10/10
I believe my organization through this paper is appropriate for writing studies. I had my introduction, data and analysis, and then my conclusion.
conclusion sums up findings and reflects on limitations of the analysis and/or further possibilities for study 7/10
I think my conclusion could have been stronger with a much stronger ending to this paper.
grammar/readability 9/10
I may have a few errors but I don't believe that they interrupt what I was trying to say throughout the paper.
Overall = 84/100
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