Thursday, October 31, 2013

Blog 15

Formulate a Research Plan:

1) Statement of Purpose (What you hope to show/Discover)?

I want to show the connection between novels and screenplays, and how people feel about the connections between the two.  I want to show the difference from seeing the words on paper and seeing how the words play out when on screen. I hope to discover which people prefer: films? novels?  I also hope to discover whether seeing the words on paper is better or worse than seeing how the words play out on screen.  

2) Detailed Statement of your Research Question:

My main focus is to figure out people's reactions to when watching a film that has been adapted from a novel, to see if they either like or didn't like what the adapter has done with the story line.  Also to see if those people prefer the novel or film of that particular story.  But there are also other focuses I want for this and that is to see if people see a film just because they have read the novel or if they read the novel just because there is a movie coming out.

3) List of Information you need to Gather:

  • I need to gather information through interviews that I will be asking my main subject.
  • I will also use my reference article (book) written by Linda Hutcheon.

4) A Preliminary list of sources:

  1. Reference article (book)
  2. Individuals who are being interviewed.

Plan for Getting my Information:

Who/What you will be Studying: I will be studying my mom, friend and/or my cousin.  I will study the way they react to when asked about reading a novel and the film that was adapted.  

Where you will collect Information: Interview questions will be done either at my home or the home of the participants, whichever is better for my participant.  If I do one of my friends, I may have to do it over skype conversation.

How many subjects you will study: I will be studying three subjects including myself, with a possible fourth subject. 

What methods you will use to use conduct your study? I will do interviews and discourse analysis for the explanation of writing in a discourse community. 

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